Category Archives: Publications

Er:YAG Laser for the Aesthetic Treatment of Developmental Enamel Defects (DED) in Frontal Teeth: a Case Report

Temperature Changes and SEM Effects of Three Different Implants-Abutment Connection during Debridement with Er:YAG Laser: An Ex Vivo Study

The Treatment Approach to Caries Using the Er:YAG Laser

The Periodontal Pocket: Alternative treatment with Er:YAG LASER and PRF

New Article: Removal of 11 Laminate Veneers with Er:YAG Laser

Is Laser the Best Choice for the Treatment of Peri-Implantitis?

Efficacy of ultrasonic and Er:YAG laser activated EDTA irrigation in removing bacteria from ex vivo root canal system

Efficacy of Caries Removal by Carie-Care and Er:YAG Laser in Primary Molars: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study

Fibroma removal with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser

Creating Natural-looking Composite Restorations