Er: YAG Laser in Handpiece

Pediatric dentistry requires a minimally invasive approach, prioritizing the preservation of healthy tooth tissue. The LiteTouch™ Er:YAG Dental Laser stands out for its ability to precisely and gently ablate small areas layer-by-layer, ensuring the removal of infected tissue while preserving healthy tissue. Additionally, it disinfects the remaining affected dentin, enhancing the effectiveness of treatments and aligning with the minimally invasive philosophy. For pits and fissures, the LiteTouch™ Er:YAG Laser ensures thorough disinfection and cleaning, resulting in a better seal of the sealant material and reducing the risk of treatment failure.

The LiteTouch™ Er:YAG Dental Laser treatment offers minimal discomfort and less pain to the patient, and in many cases, can be performed with little to no anesthesia, making it an excellent option for procedures such as ulectomies, gingivectomies, frenectomies, and operculectomies. It can also be used for aphtha, ulcers, dentin hypersensitivity among others.

Pediatric dentists should apply specialized behavioral approaches when treating children, such as the TELL-SHOW-DO approach. Studies have shown that the LiteTouch™ Laser is well accepted by children during the "SHOW" step due to its unique design. The LiteTouch™ does not look like a medical tool; instead, it resembles a space toy or robot, which helps children feel more at ease. This familiarity allows dentists to smoothly transition to the "DO" step.

The LiteTouch™ Er:YAG handpiece does not vibrate like conventional instruments and produces a gentle, non-intimidating sound, transforming the dental treatment experience into a non-traumatic, patient-friendly one. Children prefer being treated with a small, colorful, robot-like device over the traditional drill, enhancing their overall treatment experience.

Clinical Movies:

Tell-Show-Do Approach with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG Laser
Dr. Cristiane Martins, Portugal

Caries removal in deciduous teeth with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Dr. Flavia Saraiva, Brazil

Caries removal with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Dr. Simoni Herrero, Brazil

Minimally invasive preparation of pits and fissures with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Dr. Andrii Sapeliuk, Ukraine

Uncovering of unerupted incisor with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Dr. Arbex Filho and Dr. Andrea Murta, Brazil

Gingivectomy during Orthodontic treatment with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Prof. Georgi Tomov, Bulgaria

Gingivectomy with LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser
Prof. Georgi Tomov, Bulgaria

Articles & Clinical Cases:

1. Er:YAG laser therapy in combination with GLUMA desensitizer reduces dentin hypersensitivity in children with molar‑incisor hypomineralization: a randomized clinical trial

2. Effect of Various Protocols of Pre-Emptive Pulpal Laser Analgesia on Enamel Surface Morphology Using Scanning Electron Microscopy: An Ex Vivo Study

3. Efficacy of laser photoacoustic streaming in peadiatric root canal disinfection - An ex-vivo study

4. Removal of a fibroma using an Er:YAG laser

5. Influence of Er:YAG laser on objective and subjective parameters of stress during sealant application in children

6. Laser-prepared and bonding-filled fissure sealing: SEM and OCT analysis of marginal and internal adaptation

7. Laserbasierte kariesexkavation in der kinderzahnmedizin (German)
Laser-based caries excavation in pediatric dentistry

8. Preventive approach in paediatric dentistry using Er:YAG laser

9. Subjective acceptance and pain perception of Er:YAG laser therapy in children

10. Minimally invasive treatment of dental caries in primary teeth using an Er:YAG Laser

11. Perception of Er:YAG laser dental caries treatment in adolescents
– A clinical evaluation

12. Minimally invasive Er:YAG laser caries treatment in primary teeth

13. Laser perfect for atraumatic procedures in paediatrics

14. Anxiety assessment during cavity preparation with Er:YAG laser and conventional rotary instruments


Pediatric dentistry leaflet

Kids Patient Leaflet

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