
Thermal effect of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG used for debonding ceramic and metal orthodontic brackets: An experimental analysis

Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine
12 May, 2020

In this study, the authors from Wroclaw Medical University in Poland assess the changes in temperature of pulp and enamel during laser debonding of brackets. Their findings confirm that the use of Er:YAG family lasers for orthodontic ceramic bracket debonding in an invitro study is safe and effective.  The study found that the temperature inside the tooth did not increase, and it even decreased during treatment with Er:YAG laser using water cooling, provided that appropriate proportion of water and air was used.

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Thermal effect of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG used for debonding ceramic and metal orthodontic brackets: An experimental analysis

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