
Temperature Limits during Irradiation in Laser-Assisted Treatment of Peri-Implantitis – Laboratory Research

Folia Medica
27 September, 2023

The result: Diode and CO2 lasers with both parameters used increased significantly the temperature by more than 46°C, whereas the temperature in the Er:YAG laser group was less than 30°C. There was a statistically significant difference between diode, CO2, and Er:YAG lasers in favor of the erbium laser.


The conclusion: The LiteTouch Er:YAG laser demonstrates the best thermal properties during irradiation of the implant surface. The three preset tested – 1.5 W, 6.8 W, and 7.5 W – provide safe intervention on both the soft and bone tissues of the implant interface and on the implant itself, without causing an increase in temperature in the different substrates.


To read more about lasers in Implantology go to

Temperature Limits during Irradiation in Laser-Assisted Treatment of Peri-Implantitis – Laboratory Research

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