
Temperature Changes and SEM Effects of Three Different Implants-Abutment Connection during Debridement with Er:YAG Laser: An Ex Vivo Study

Matys J. et al
17 January, 2020

Er:YAG laser debridement efficiency  on the different types of implant implant–abutment connections!


This ex-vivo study aimed to evaluate the implant temperature increase and possible damage to implant surface during implants’ debridement using Er:YAG laser. The removal of inflamed tissues from peri-implant pocket using Er:YAG laser is crucial in determining a significant clinical benefit. Even more important is to do it without any damage to the implant surface.


In this study, the authors debrided 3 different implant–abutment connections with 3 different fluences of the Er:YAG laser.

For full results and article, click here!
Temperature Changes and SEM Effects of Three Different Implants-Abutment Connection during Debridement with Er:YAG Laser: An Ex Vivo Study

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