
German Article – Laser-based caries excavation in pediatric dentistry (Laserbasierte kariesexkavation in der kinderzahnmedizin)

Quintessenz Zahnmedizin Germany
31 August, 2020

In this article, Dr. Juliane Leonhardt Amar presents the many advantages of using lasers in Pediatric Dentistry. Ensuring the oral health of a pediatric patient is a challenge, but it can also be very rewarding. Through positive experiences at the dentist, the child can have a trustworthy, long-term relationships with the dentist. This can be achieved by using lasers.

Click here to read the full article (German)!
German Article – Laser-based caries excavation in pediatric dentistry (Laserbasierte kariesexkavation in der kinderzahnmedizin)

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