
Er:YAG Laser in Endodontics: A New, Side Firing Endo Tip

Plovdiv, Bulgaria
06 June, 2019

At the tip of the LiteTouch™ – A workshop on the new Endo tip!


The new side firing Endo tip for LiteTouch™ Er:YAG laser will be presented in a dedicated workshop at the coming ISLD Pre-conference event on June 6th at 15:00 at the Auditorium complex, 3rd floor, hall 9, Plovdiv Medical University, Bulgaria.


Prof. Adam Stabholz, former dean & head of the Endodontics department at the Hebrew University – Hadassah School of Dental Medicine and the co-developer of the new Endo tip will instruct the workshop. Prof. Stabholz will discuss the rationale that led to the development of the new tip, its advantages and will demonstrate it use and clinical protocol.


  • Participation is FOC!
  • For more information please contact Dentacon at: +359 35 932 26

Er:YAG Laser in Endodontics: A New, Side Firing Endo Tip

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