Dentist Testimonials

“…On the patients that I have used I had an amazing result…

Dr. Lucas Carpini, Brazil

Lucas Carpini Odontologia


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“…it is a high-power diode laser, A laser that serves both for the surgical purposes and for the bio-stimulation purposes, and pain treatments. It also accelerates the process of teeth whitening, it is really fantastic laser.

On the patients that I have used I had an amazing result. In gingival plastic surgery using it as a high-power laser to cut the gum tissue and using it to bio-stimulate, the healing I had with the LiteTouch was one week, and with the D-Storm it was three days. Besides that, the patients love it, it is a comfort that you can give to your patients, it is a laser that I have been using a lot as well in children’s surgery, like maxillary frenectomies, tongue-tie, on toddlers on a 8 month old baby, children with Down syndrome, autism, this device is suitable for all those patients. Why? Because it doesn’t have irrigation, so it enhances more comfort for the children who already have difficulty to swallow, we can do the full frenectomy surgery without bleeding, without discomfort for the child, it is a fast procedure which doesn’t have any sutures, so it really is complete device.

In implant surgeries I use it to biostimulate, I had a diabetic patient, it was under control but using the device in one week I could do the treatment, it looked like that the patient never had diabetes, the patient’s healing was better than a patient that doesn’t have diabetes and that I didn’t use the laser. So, I highly recommend the D-Storm Diode Laser, the clinic’s little sweetheart, a device that has been on the market for a year and has come to revolutionize the dental market”.

“…This device has been a game changer in my clinical and surgical treatments…

PhD and Dr. Anaeliza Figueredo, Brazil

Fabretti Odontologia


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“…The precision and versatility of the D-Storm allow me to perform a range of procedures with minimal discomfort and faster recovery for my patients. If you are looking to elevate your treatments, I highly recommend the D-Storm. It’s been a valuable technology to my clinical treatments and I’m sure it can do the same for you!”.

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